Sunday, January 20, 2008

Shy Kids Do Great Making Movies

The first day of each of my Make-A-Movie Workshops or Theater Games classes, I am always on the lookout for my "shy" kids. These are the children whose parents wisely signed them up for an acting class knowing full well the discomfort their child may or may not feel during the class meetings.

Shy kids do great in Make-A-Movie classes. This is because they perform, character create and pretend play without an audience or a spotlight. Plus, there are no lines to memorize or scripts to follow. The Director follows a script of course, but the actors need not worry about words on a page being burned into their memories!

And the night our movie premiers, and all the parents and friends are in the audience, the "shy" child is no longer a "shy" child. They are larger than life, transformed into a character fighting to save the world... or in the case of "The Fowl Phobia" the life of a chicken!

Happy Movie Making!!