Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Make A Movie with Your Kids

For the past six years, I've been making movies with kids. Birthday parties, movie workshops, bar mitzvah's... I like to think of myself as one of the most prolific movie directors in the world's history. I've made close to 100 movies with close to 1000 children! And each movie was made with an original script (written by me.) All my movies have strong characters, well plotted story lines, and a "G" rating! And all our movies have had premier nights: big screen, surround sound, packed audiences, popcorn, drinks, prizes, speeches!

Through the years I have written over 30 original scripts. These stories are geared to what interests children, mostly because the elements in each script came from brainstorming sessions with groups of children. I've decided to make the scripts available for anyone to use. You can visit www.makeamoviestudios.com to read the script descriptions, and even see clips of past movies I've made.

For a fun family activity or a unique classroom activity, Make-a-Movie scripts and kits could be what you're looking for.

Let me know if you have any experiences working with kids making movies. I'd love to hear them...

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